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How Much Do You Know About Truffles ?

How Much Do You Know About Truffles ?

We are not talking about the chocolate dessert kind of truffles, we are talking about the fungi truffles. Yes, truffle is a member of the fungi kingdom. More specifically, the Tuberaceae. Most truffles are considered as high prized food to the point it is called as “the diamonds of kitchen” by a French gastronome, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Truffles are also cultivated and harvested from their natural environments. Here are some things that you should know about truffles.

                      WHAT DOES TRUFFLE TASTE LIKE ?

Black truffles have earthy, musky, sweet, nutty and oaky with a hint of meaty flavor that is quite similar to mushrooms.
As for the white truffles, they also taste quite similar to black truffles, which are earthy, pungent, and musky. But they are a bit spicy and more intense with a note of garlic compared to the black truffles.


The first mentions of truffles dated back to the neo-Sumerians. However, in classical times, their origin were a mystery. Some thoughts they are the results of lightning, warmth and the water in soil, and some others thought their instrumental of origins are the thunder and rain.

                              WHERE CAN IT BE FOUND ?

This is where it differs the truffles from mushrooms. Mushrooms generally grew on the surface of the ground. While for the truffles, they grow underground. Usually near or beneath the roots of trees especially the oak, beech, birch, poplars and the pine trees. This is because they perform a symbiotic relationship with the trees.


Different kind of truffles can be harvested at different times or generally, season. They are many kind of truffles, one of them is Winter White Truffles which can be found between October and January. As for the Summer White Truffles, they can be found between January and April.

Winter Black Truffles can be found between November up until March and as for the Summer Black Truffle, it can be found between May until September.  

                          WHY IS TRUFFLE SO EXPENSIVE ?

I bet this is the question that most people think of when we talks about truffle. Truffles are so expensive because they are seasonal which makes it rare and can only be harvested at a certain times only. It is also challenging to grow and require a specific habitat. Aside from that, they take years to cultivate and a short shelf life.

So, this is all you need to know about truffles. Hope it helps.

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